
Creator Spirit: Explorations in Theology III is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this third book, Balthasar presents various ways in which something of the Creator Spirit should be experienced through his manifestations: in the way in which he leads human persons to the living God (“Faith”), in the way in which he distinguishes the spirits of this time (“Crisis”), in the way in which he initiates into the mystery of the Incarnate One (“Night”), in the way in which he...

world in order to be himself), is withdrawn and that thereby the question about the “why” of the world’s being becomes even more bottomless and unanswerable, because now the question is anchored in the “whylessness” of the trinitarian love of God and is removed from all subordination to logic. The darkness of God increases in tempo with the Christian light: the more God draws near and discloses himself (not apparently, but in reality), all the more does the “philosophical” proposition hold good:
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